The Seven Ways For Women

Along with a team of wise women, I am composing a Seven Ways book specifically for women. The book will relate the seven different personalities to the unique experience of women and highlight their unique struggles and paths to victory through the stories of seven great women of the Torah (Bible). As such, I am compiling letters and monologues from women who have been inspired and positively impacted by the Seven Ways system. They will be published (with permission) on this website and in the new book. Please send your writings and ideas for a title to Rabbi Bailey at Questions (General). They are always treated as confidential until expressed consent is given. Current title suggestions include: The Seven Ways: Women’s Ways The Seven Prophetesses The Seven Women Please send in your feedback!

The More Things Change, the More They Don’t Stay the Same

Parsha Print-Me 


There is a very common tension that is found in religious groups, organizations, and even marriages that appears in many forms, but inevitably has the same subtle subtext underneath. It is essential for one to be aware of this tension, as we spend a great deal of time dealing with it. When a business or non-profit initially (more…)

Don’t We Have All of The 7?

A question that is frequently posed to me:

“Don’t we have all of the seven middot (qualities, skill sets) that you describe, in our personalities?”

The answer is: yes, we do have all of the middot in our being. However, we have some of the middot in our personalities more than others. We each have all of the middot in that we are all capable of executing acts that are in line with each of the seven types of skill sets. For example, we are all able to paint attractive portraits, which is in line with the tiferet middah, or  read more here!

Previous Post + Bonus Content

The Previous post “Strict or Lenient” is a piece that I cut out of The Seven Ways as I was knee-deep in the editing process. It’s from thegevurah chapter (which is clear from the topic) and should be treated as full bonus content. As I was writing the book, it became clear that I had to trim it down to a size that was manageable to read and easy to use. I tried to include only the essence of the essence of the ideas about the seven personalities. Lucky for you, the reader of this site, I will be