The Seven Ways Cheat Sheet
Below is a quick list of the seven personalities, called middot in Hebrew (sing. middah), meaning attributes or patterns of action.  Every person has a primary, secondary and a hidden tertiary middah, as well. For example, a person’s middot may manifest as chesed-gevurah-tiferet or yesod-tiferet-hod.

People are often conditioned, in their upbringing, to posses, to a limited extent, middot which are not naturally in their personality (“conditioning”). A helping hod may be conditioned with tiferet creativity and use drama or art to help others with their emotions (or they may indeed have hodtiferet).

People make decisions heavily influenced by their middot, though they do have other components to their General Personality (i.e., entire personality, such as their birth order, culture, life experiences, etc.,). Each personality functions differently within what I call the System.  The System is the sum total of all of the cultural norms and shared rules that form the basis of any given society or group.

Chesed (Sustaining): The middah associated with Avraham (Abraham) and Sarah. Cheseds are split into two subcategories, half-brothers, you could say.

Chesed-Chesed: People who subscribe to the System and have no overbearing characteristics in their personality.  They are free to mold themselves into whomever they want to be, but usually have a difficult time deciding what exact area to pursue. They are primarily concerned with obtaining basic sustenance for themselves and their families.

Chesed-Anything Else (Chesed-Gevurah, Chesed-Tiferet, etc) “Later Cheseds”:
People who subscribe to the System and want to do things well. Their tendency is to be polite, good citizens who appreciate, but not always, efficiency and organization.  They have an inner desire to do what’s right, because it’s the right thing to do. They are sticklers for rules. Their Personality is heavily influenced by their secondary middah. I call someone in this type a “later chesed” because their middot appear later when the sequence of the seven sub-types is laid out.

Gevurah (Guarding): The middah associated with Yitzchak (Isaac) and Avigail (Abigail). A detail-oriented middah, which causes people to engage the System to the max.  They adapt to their environment and intensely engage in the System’s normal methods for getting ahead. They are not always proficient in detail work, but they absorb and process information in a detail-based way. They are concerned with guarding themselves and the norms in their environment, and their view a threat to those things are something of deep concern. They have the ability to be very critical of others or very self-disciplined.

Tiferet (Creative): The middah associated with Ya’akov (Jacob) and Esther. People who naturally have creative talent and and a powerful faculty of imagination. They are inclined to write or paint or do any number of creative things.  They are fun-loving, free spirited people, who decorate and liven up our world.

Netzach (Investigative): The middah associated with Moshe (Moses) and Devorah (Deborah). People who seek out knowledge and are good at remembering information-especially details and facts. They maintain a mental database filled with a plethora of nuggets of wisdom and are inclined to share their knowledge others.  Often they become doctors, psychiatrists, professors or accountants.  They are empathetic people, with natural humility.

Hod (Helping): The middah associated with Aharon (Aaron) and Miriam. Emotional people who have a deep desire to care for and help others. They are very empathetic and intuitive, and usually find themselves in helping professions.

Yesod (Connective): The middah associated with Yosef (Joseph) and Chulda (Hulda). Big picture, innovative people who want to change and improve the System. They are active and interactive, and aren’t afraid to be different. They can be very dynamic and charismatic, and have a keen understanding of human nature and how systems work.

Malchut (Commanding): The middah associated with David and Chana (Hannah). Strong, determined people who are able to take charge of a group and put people into place in the System. They can be dedicated to the people that work with them and accept advice, or be self-centered and dictatorial. They have a hard time seeing others’ opinion, but can be the best leader for any organization.